Thursday, December 19, 2013


 Trying my best to stay warm in New York by wearing layers upon layers. We've already had some snowy days here so far so staying cozy is a must. Don't be alarmed by seeing me dressed in all black. For those of you who know, I'm typically a very colorful person but for some reason all of the color is thrown out of the door as soon as winter hits. That's when my winter black and grey tones seem to kick in. The best part about winter is that I get to wear awesome oversize pieces creating an illusion that I look 200lbs bigger than I actually am.

Photos by: Michael Bell

WearingClub Monaco faux fur scarfAlexander Wang grey knit zip upH&M coatTheory black pantsJ.D Fisk boots.

I'm super excited about the holidays coming up. Although I'm not quite sure if I'll make it back home or stay in the city for Christmas, it'll definitely be a merry one. 
What is everyone doing/want for the holidays?


  1. man..... I am a layer fiend, so this outfit is pretty much GOLD in my books. That last photo of you is gorgeous too. :D

  2. That cost is perfection! This outfit is amazingly layered!
